Press Releases for Scrabble

  • 644

    Scrabble Hasbro Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend on Common Shares for 3rd Quarter 2010

    Scrabble Hasbro has good news for shareholders as the company announces a quarterly cash dividend payout for the 3rd quarter of 2010.

    By : | 10-13-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 644

  • 479

    Win at Scrabble with Scrabble Cheat

    Scrabble is not just another board game to be played on those lazy Sundays. While extremely soul satisfying[d1], the game is also challenging and stimulating – all at the same time. Chances are that you probably relish the rush of adrenaline that’s released each time you win this timeless game of wit and quick thinking. But what if you lose?

    By : | 03-30-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 479

  • 616

    UFO Moviez commits Rs. 200 crore to fuel Scrabble Entertainment’s India expansion

    UFO Moviez India Ltd has committed an investment of Rs. 200 crore to fuel the growth and expansion plans in India of Scrabble Entertainment (Pvt) Limited.

    By : | 09-30-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Movies | Total Views : 616